Dr. Peter Paul Schepp
From 2009 Independent Adviser and Journalist, holder of myMaterials, a Materials Information Service in Frankfurt, Germany
1990-2009 Managing Director of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, Frankfurt,
Germany (www.dgm.de)
  • Conducting Technical Committees and organising technical conferences and
    large congresses
  • Managing international technical projects for the European Commission
    (COST 501, HCM, FP5)
  • Co-editor of the “International Journal of Materials Research” published by Carl Hanser, München, Germany
  • Editor-in-Chief of “DGM-Aktuell”as part of "Advanced Engineering Materials" published by Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany
  • Member of the Executive Committee (1992-1996) and General Secretary (1998-2002) of the Federation of European Materials Societies – FEMS, Brussels, Belgium (www.fems.org)
1985-1990 Deputy Manager in the Corporate Research and Development Division of the SULZER Group in Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Advice and project management in research and product divisions, in particular in the Boiler, Gas Turbine and Medical Engineering Divisions
1982-1985 Senior Scientist and Assistant Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne, Switzerland
1973-1982 Master and PhD Studies in Materials Science at the University of
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany
  • Research on „High temperature deformation of metals in carburising atmospheres“
    (Prof. Ilschner)
1970-1972 Studies in Physics at the Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany